It is by a surge of excitement and deep satisfaction that we compose this summary of the 7th edition of Balkan Venture Forum in Zagreb on December 3-4, 2015 at Hypo Centar. We are still under impression of the amazing 2…
Second Edition Of BkVF Takes Place In Belgrade On 22-23 November
People here we go! It’s time to officially announce what we were preparing in the last few months. Belgrade is welcoming our entrepreneurial community. It’s got a recent Innovation fund to show for, tons of bright people, it’s big and…
Саем за стартап кариера во Скопје
Деновиве во SuperFounders интензивно се подготвуваме за првиот настан што ќе го организираме во новата 2016, а тоа е SuperFounders Open Day – Саем за стартап кариера во Скопје. Идејата за еден ваков настан произлезе првично од две потреби кои успеавме да ги идентификуваме…
Balkan Venture Forum 2014
SuperFounders is a pre-seed startup accelerator network, designed to develop entrepreneurs, grow startups, boost local communities and build international bridges. We work with partners build a regional support platform and to offer localized full-service pre-seed startup acceleration programs, with co-working…
The president of the Republic of Macedonia Dr. Ivanov is the patron of BkVF 2012
Skopje-25.08.2011: Today the cabinet of the President of Republic of Macedonia has officially confirmed that Dr. Ivanov will be the patron of Balkan Venture Forum 2012. BKVF is an Investment Forum targeted at showcasing the Balkan’s best entrepreneurs to an…