What is an “Executive Mammoth”?

We know Steve Keil as a manager (BMC, Sciant, Epiq, VMWare, Xentio), a VC(NEVEQ), a professor (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski), and a startup founder and CEM (Chief Executive Mammoth) at MammothDB. I can’t overstate our excitement of having Steve as a speaker at the Balkan Venture Forum in Belgrade.

And I have to admit, his is the coolest C-level exec title I’ve ever seen. It shows Steve’s larger than life sense of humor and fun-loving attitude with which he approaches life and success. And I have to agree, Steve is a mammoth by experience, by insightful reasoning, but most of all by being an example to all.

For a taste of what’s in store, check out Steve’s inspiring speeches at TEDx Bg 2011 and The Next Web 2012 conference in Amsterdam.

So prepare for Steve’s incisive and fun thoughts at the Balkan Venture Forum in Belgrade. I’ll see you there.

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